Flexiglow Lazer Beam Kits

Aron Schatz
May 15, 2003
Laser LEDs? Internal spot lighting for your case. If you need spot light you might want to consider these. Read more to find out.
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I might just face the facts that I'm in a lighting fix for some time. I just received these nice new laser beam LED kits from <a href="http://www.flexiglowhk.com">Flexiglow</a>. I'm sure you've seen laser LEDs before, but these are a bit different and better in so many ways.


<center>Top Box Back Box</center>

The packaging is very colorful, this is the retail packaging I'm sure. You might get something different in the mail.


Flexiglow is based in Hong Kong, which is a part of China now.



Easy adjustable translucent housing
Self adhesive mounting
Focal Beam Magnifier
Connects to 12V in Car , PC, Boat etc..

Optional Extras

Sonic driver with ON/OFF and sensitivity adjuster.
Three way Driver
Cigarette Jack.



Here we have what is in the packaging, you modders will have to forge ahead without any directions. Plug it in and go. You have three LED things, the inverter, a switch, and a pass through molex. Remember that the power needed is just 12 volts so you can hook it up anywhere that there is 12 volts. It would be nice to see an external type of these laser LEDs.


The switch has three positions: On, off, and blink. I don't really like these types of square, small switches. Round ones looks much better, but it doesn't matter if you're going to leave it on all the time anyway.


All the LEDs are individually wired from the inverter so it can expand to a large distance. You'd be hard pressed to find a case that these LEDs could all fit into. The wires themselves are gray and are double stranded (two wires).

<center>Close Up Cap Off Wire Out</center>

The wires all go into an LED housing. This is what you see in the first picture. The base has a sticky pad on it. The next picture shows that the cap is removable and the last picture shows that inside the housing is a LED with the wire soldered to it. The housing has a screw in it and is adjustable. it can go from 0 to 180 degrees (0 to pi for you radian fans). The thing that was removed in the second picture is the magnifying lens. It focuses the light more than normal to get more light to a specific area as opposed to just spread out.


<center>Flash No Flash</center>

I was given two colors for this review, blue and white. Both colors give off a brilliant light, just like any high intensity LED does. The lens in the cap does a nice job of focusing the light, the beam does not spread out until a couple of feet, so in a case it is perfect for directed light.

<center>The White Blue</center>

Each LED is high intensity. Hardly any light is let off on the sides of the housing, which is good since you don't want light going in places you didn't plan for. As you can tell, the lights are pretty bright. Notice how the light doesn't look blinding right now at this angle.


Here is the money shot. A direct shot at the center of both LEDs. Now you see the full intensity of the LEDs. That lens cap really does work well for this type of light.


You turn them on and they work. The only thing that really phases me is the price. They are ~$20 for a kit (<a href="http://www.directron.com/">Direction</a>, <a href="http://www.xoxide.com">Xoxide</a>, <a href="http://www.3dcool.com">3D Cool</a>Wink. That is moderately expensive in my opinion. The thing is that no other LED kit will give you the freedom that this does, all the lights are free to point where ever you want. If you don't have any lighting and you need some spot lights, consider these for sure. I'd like to thank Flexiglow for making this review possible.


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