Gutsy Alpha 1 Released

Aron Schatz
June 9, 2007

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The unstable version of Ubuntu has had its first release. Do not install this on any production machine. The builds could be and probably are unstable.


The Ubuntu developers are moving very quickly to bring you the absolute latest and greatest software the Open Source Community has to offer. The Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 1 is the first alpha release of Ubuntu 7.10, and with this new alpha release comes a whole host of excellent new features. The feature list for 7.10 has been slowly growing more exact since Gutsy opened late last month. While looking forward nothing is completely certain, here are some of the new things that have already arrived, such as GNOME 2.19, a new 2.6.22-rc kernel, as well as a good look at the approved specifications for Gutsy.

I hope Gutsy will bring better support to the Kubuntu branch. I had the opportunity to test Xubuntu and since it uses GTK, all the Ubuntu tools work fine. Kubuntu seems like the bastard child of the group... but I like KDE over Gnome or Xfce.


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